In the previous chapter you said that whether or not the reader
understands and receives the messages/graces given in this book depends on
how receptive they are, I quote:
“ Be receptive. You cannot receive what you
are unwilling to accept. What happens to My seed depends on the soil.”
Yet you said that once you have given your word It is done.
These two answers seem to be contradictory. Can you please explain?
God’s answer:
I gave you My word. It is unconditional.
Meaning: These sculptures and answers/messages were given to me. God
reminded me of His answer when I asked him what I am to do with the
sculptures He gave to me, are they mine or can I share them with others, to
which He replied:
They are yours forever.
They are personal. It is for this reason that I asked God for the grace for the
readers to understand and to also receive the same graces that are shared in
this book.